Marriage - Second Time Around (Part 2)

(Do read Part 1 before reading Part 2.) It's been 4 years now since I got married for the second time on the 12th of January, 2013. Gosh! 4 years ago too that I posted of my marriage and since then, a lot of things have happened. The good and the bad, happy and the sad, adjustment periods and lots of normal marriages go of course. Adjustment period. Yeah, what is an adjustment period some may ask. It's a period whereby a couple goes through and encounters in the course of being in a marriage. The adjustment period may take between one to two years or maybe even more for some and it all depends on the individual's characters and upbringing as well I suppose. There should be give and take, lots of trust, honesty, patience, respect for each other and a degree of openness between the couple but of course privacy is also of importance. Speaking from my experience only, (since it's my post in my blog) I can only relate what I went through the last 4 y...