
Another year older...

..another year wiser? Hopefully so. My last posting here was last year about my milestone 60th birthday which was celebrated on the 20th of May, together with my son's wedding reception. Well,  it's one year on now and time really flew soooo fast.. hadn't it? So, what has happened in the past year since?  My father-in-law passed away on the 29th of September at the age of 84. He died peacefully in his sleep in the wee hours of a blessed Friday morning. Sadly, I was unable to attend his funeral because I was in Singapore with my children. My husband was supposed to be with us then but he could not make it. He had been having mixed feelings actually and a sense of unease. I guess Allah wanted him to be in the country when his father breathed his last.  It was a very sad time for my husband when his father died. He had lost his best friend forever. Someone he had so much respect and admiration for. Someone who loved him very much and who believed in him. He still gets teary ey

A MILESTONE birthday...

  On the 20th of May, I reached a milestone birthday...I turned 60. Yes! Didn't expect to reach this age actually but I thank Allah for giving me 60 awesome years of life on this earth. Alhamdulillah! Reached 60 with it's fair share of ups and downs in my life, plus a lot of memories, good and bad and beautiful moments to be cherished. The day started as usual, with birthday messages received and reply of thanks returned. As it was also the day of my son's wedding reception on our side, I was at the family house looking over and checking on last minute arrangements and preparations for the reception that nite. After lunch, I was surprised with a birthday cake from my children. 'Twas a small celebration with the kids and grandson, with the exception of my eldest son, his wife and son who could not make it on time. Anyway, it was still fun as my youngest sister was around as well. The night of the reception went well with everyone having a good time and enjoying themselve

Back again...

 Yes! I am back...again...after a hiatus of 3 years. I keep doing that don't I? Oh well, there have been times when I felt lazy to do anything. Even my painting have been put on hold for quite a while now. My mood dictates most times. Yup! My MOOD! So my blogs faced the same fate as my painting and other interests. Anyway, since my last blog entry in 2020, my first grandson was born on 30th of August, to my daughter Nisrin and my son-in-law Armand.  One day short of Malaysia's Merdeka Day. Named Bayzeid Mizal, as cute as can be...all grandmothers will attest to the cuteness of their grandchildren...right? Haha...He'll be turning 3 this year. How time flies...can still remember holding him in my arms after he was born. Brought back memories of me cradling my own bundles of joy many, many years ago. Such a nice feeling it was and one that I'll always cherish. Being a grandmother for the first time brought a new perspective to my life.  I have sort of mellowed in some ways

It's been 3 years...

3 years??? Has it been that long??? Well yeah, it surely has been 3 years that I last posted anything in this blog of mine. Between those times till now, a lot has happened in my life. Mostly good and uplifting things. My 2 youngest children went to university in Melbourne, my 2 older children got married within a space of 2 years, my daughter is expecting her first child...yes!!! I am gonna be a grandmother soon...haha. I have also moved house from Shah Alam to Mont Kiara, which I love very much. Oh ya, I have left Facebook for good too and it's been more than a year now that my life has been free of negative vibes that permeates through FB often times. To be honest, leaving FB was the best decision I made that time and frankly, I have not missed anything that relates to FB at all!  So, the only social media platform that I use to share my pics and thoughts now is Instagram.  I have also started a new hobby and interest...acrylic painting... mostly self-taught through Yo

Marriage - Second Time Around (Part 2)

(Do read Part 1 before reading Part 2.) It's been 4 years now since I got married for the second time on the 12th of January, 2013. Gosh! 4 years ago too that I posted of my marriage and since then, a lot of things have happened. The good and the bad, happy and the sad, adjustment periods and lots of normal marriages go of course. Adjustment period. Yeah, what is an adjustment period some may ask. It's a period whereby a couple goes through and encounters in the course of being in a marriage. The adjustment period may take between one to two years or maybe even more for some and it all depends on the individual's characters and upbringing as well I suppose. There should be give and take, lots of trust, honesty, patience, respect for each other and a degree of openness between the couple but of course privacy is also of importance. Speaking from my experience only, (since it's my post in my blog) I can only relate what I went through the last 4 y

Am I ready?

  Yesterday, a friend of mine passed away. She was only 46 and if I might say, still in the prime of her life. She was on life support for 2 days and her loved ones, family and friends never stopped praying for a miracle but Allah knew best. She succumbed to brain aneurysm but not before putting up a fight. May Allah bless her soul and place her among the righteous. Am I ready to face my creator? Frankly speaking, a big NO! I have so much unfinished business waiting to be completed. So many more things to learn, to equip myself with what's necessary to ensure my final transition goes smoothly, God willing. Everyday, I think of death. As macabre as it sounds but I do! The more so after I reached half a century on earth 3 years ago. I can just 'go' anytime, anywhere and anyhow. Our lives are fragile and unpredictable. We may seem healthy and strong with no apparent illness or sickness. But when our time is up, we got to go. No two ways about it, no negotiations for exten

Resolutions, resolutions, resolutions...

Yeah...what are resolutions exactly? For me, resolutions are a set of goals I set for myself to be accomplished, maybe, till the end of the year....haha... The goals varies and of course that which suits my needs, in other words. I was first introduced to having a new year resolution by my late father when I was in my early teens. He would make me and my other sisters write out our resolutions and read them out to him and my mum! Yup! We had to read our resolutions to him so he would know if we had our priorities straight. Anyway, he gave us each a diary too so that we can keep track of our activities. Initially, we were most diligent in filling up our diaries but as the year progressed, we became lazy and stopped updating our activities altogether...that was till another new year approached...hahahaha The same can be said for our resolutions too. We would try to complete what we had listed but somewhere through the year, the resolutions took a back seat to other daily stuff. So, f