Yours truly...

Now where do I begin? To write about oneself is sometimes not easy because it will be written from one perspective only, and that is mine...haha...There might be a bit,yeah just a bit of 'bias' involved here though. But I do hope to paint a picture of who I am and what makes me tick.

Second daughter in a family of 4 girls...My parents had wanted boys too but they were blessed with 4 angels instead. They were happy though and accepted this as God's will. Well, having daughters only does not mean we can't do what boys can do too and of course not everything though and I can safely say, there are some things that boys do that girls can do better!

As I grew older, like say, in my mid teens, my late father would often call on me to help him out on certain stuff, like reading the manuals of electronic gadgets and to help in the setting up of new things. No matter what year it was, I always seemed to be at the 'right age' and the one suitable to do things for my parents. This actually got me disgruntled most of the time cause I felt it wasn't fair for my parents to always pick on me...well, that's how I felt then. But then, being the dutiful daughter that I was, I still went to do their bidding,albeit grudgingly at first.

I guess I should thank my late father for making me do all those things cause it made me an independent person and practical too especially when it comes to changing light bulbs, plugs,etc, I didn't have to wait for any man to help me. I can do those things on my own. Up till now, I can still do all those things myself even though it means lugging a ladder here and there and climbing them too.
I'm good aren't I?...hahaha
Reading has been one of my greatest loves and I can read and read to the point of making my mum exasperated at me for reading at the dining table during meals. It's just that when there's a really good book I'm reading, I feel the need to know the conclusion as soon as possible. I have been known too, to read late into the night to finish a book and of course when the light shows under the door, my parents always knew what I was doing....only reading ya? Reading too is a form of escapism for me, especially when I lose myself in a character in the book.

Music is another love of mine. I just love to listen to them and my favorite up till now will be those from the 80's. I play the piano too and I love to sing. Singing relieves my stress and soothes my tired mind. It's a good way of enjoying myself with my family and friends. It's all good,clean fun.

I was an athlete while in secondary school and my forte was always the sprints, hurdles, relay and the long jump. I don't do much running now though, am too old and my knees can't take the pressure anymore...hahaha...won medals for my achievements but sadly, I don't have even one left now as a keepsake. Too much moving in my younger days saw my mum always getting rid of stuff that was not important. We moved a lot then because my late father was in the army.

Well, that was just a little bit of myself for a start.
Maybe what that has been written above may not tell you who I am, but in my coming blogs, it will be revealed slowly. There are still lots more to be told and that will be the story of my life. The happiness and sadness, the laughter and the tears. The good times and the bad times, and what have you.
It's getting late now and my eyes are half open...more like squinting actually. So I bid everyone goodnight and sweet dreams, and I leave with 'a smile a day,keeps the blues away.'


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